Why does your sugar intake matter ?

Why does your sugar intake matter ?

Energy Intake and energy expenditure are closely regulated mechanisms in our bodies. Taking into account our prior history of being foragers and hunters, our bodies are metabolically geared towards energy conservation in the form of fat and sugar storage depots. The body extracts glucose- a form of sugar from the blood to sustain metabolic processes. The brain utilizes more than 50% of the glucose to maintain our neurological systems. The liver plays a vital role in glucose control and homeostasis. Glycogen is a major storage form of glucose that is used within our bodies. Having said that, let us explore some of the effects of increased blood sugars :

  • A high sugar or carbohydrate diet predisposes the individual to Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, which can lead to Diabetes.

  • Chronic hyperglycemia or elevated sugar levels can adversely affect our ability to combat infections, leaving the person immunocompromised and prone to infection

  • Chronic hyperglycemia can also lead to reactive oxygen species or superoxide radicals that can cause oxidative damage within our bodies and in turn disrupt the function of NO or nitric oxide which plays a vital role in blood vessel regulatory processes.

  • Chronic hyperglycemia as seen in Diabetes can negativity affect the heart, kidneys,nerves,eyes and can contribute to stroke, heart attacks, organ failure and peripheral nerve and vascular disease.

  • Hyperglycemia increases inflammation and causes endothelial or blood vessel abnormalities and accelerates the process of atherosclerosis, this predisposes a person to cardiovascular disease.

*Atherosclerosis : A process of hardening and deposition of fats, calcium, and other substances on the arterial blood vessel wall that can restrict blood flow and lead to heart attacks, strokes and obstruction of blood flow to vital organs and limbs.

Sugar is being added in excess to a variety of foods we eat . It is important to be mindful about our level of consumption and to maintain balance. I would strongly suggest  keeping your health as a priority and eat healthy nutritious food that will enable you to live long and strong!