Why can optimism and healthy thinking patterns transform your life?

 Why can optimism and healthy thinking patterns transform your life?

Over the past century scientists have pondered on the causative factors of chronic disease. We have explored diet, lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors. In this section we will delve into the concept of how individuals’ state of mind could positively or negatively affect their health. Without further delay let us explore the science behind optimism and well-being.


  • Scientific data from 2 cohorts, The Nurses' Health Study (women) and the Veterans Affairs Aging Study (men), were reviewed over a period of 10 years and 30 years respectively. Optimism was measured using the Life Orientation Test (revised) and the revised Optimism-Pessimism Scale from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2.

  • Exceptional Longevity was defined as a survival scale to age 85 or older.

  • There was a dose-dependent association of increased longevity associated with higher levels of optimism. This suggests that targets like optimism, when promoted, would possibly be an effective strategy to promote longevity.

Optimism and its role in the prevention of Cardiovascular disease :

  • Scientific data shows that individuals who developed coronary heart disease were significantly more pessimistic at baseline when compared to other individuals. This was more pronounced in men as opposed to women.

Healthy Aging:

  • Women's health: When studying healthy aging among women, researchers noted that optimistic women had a better outlook for life and had a 23% increased likelihood of healthy aging.

  • Women and Men's Health: While examining prospective data from the Health and Retirement study and having a 6–8 year follow-up, scientists looked at the following factors as measures for healthy aging: 1) Chronic disease-free states, 2) No Cognitive impairment, and 3) Good Physical functioning.

  • It was found that after adjusting for depression and sociodemographic factors, optimistic individuals had a 24% higher likelihood of maintaining healthy aging.

Cognitive and psychological well-being:

  • Optimism was associated with better cognitive function and psychological well-being with prospective follow up.

From the above discussion we learn that our mental well-being along with factors like diet, exercise, lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors all work together to help promote health and longevity. So, the next time you dismiss something as being in one’s mind, let us delve further and tackle these states and live long and strong!