Why should we care ? ABC'S Of Diabetes

Why should we care ?   ABC'S Of Diabetes

What is Diabetes ?

  • Diabetes is characterized by persistent elevations in blood sugars. Ideally blood sugar levels are measured fasting,but random levels can alert us to the presence of underlying diabetes.

  • People with this disease have various metabolic complications that can affect their immunity, heart health, kidney function, nerves and integrity of their eyesight over the longterm.

  • This is why it is very important to undertake the lifestyle modifications, and treatments needed to prevent the progression of this disease.

Who does Diabetes affect ?

  • Diabetes affect a wide range of populations, from the very young to older individuals.

  • There is a Type 1 Diabetes that happens in younger and older individuals that is caused by damage to a persons Beta cells that impair insulin secretion.

  • Insulin is the agent the body uses to control the blood sugar levels. When there is damage to Beta cells : there is an insulin deficiency that manifests.

  • The more common form of Diabetes is the Type 2 version which is more prevalent nationwide and internationally. Our discussion will be focussed on this type.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

The symptoms of Diabetes are myriad : Here are a few

  • Sensory disorders: tingling and numbness

  • Visual issues

  • Musculoskeletal issues - Frozen Shoulder

  • Recurrent infections, infections that do not heal

  • Polyuria: Increased urination throughout the day

  • Nocturia : Increases urination at night

  • Polydipsia: Increases thirst

  • Unintentional weight loss

What do you do when loved one or yourself show symptoms?

  1. Make an appointment with your Internist

  2. .Undergo the recommended history and tests requested by your Physician

  3. The Doctor may also give you glucose testing machine to help monitor your sugars and report back after a recommended period of time

What are the integral steps to undertake when diagnosed with Diabetes?

  1. Partner with your Physician and attend the recommended classes

  2. It is important to know that lifestyle change, is an integral part of managing Diabetes.

  3. For some patients medications maybe the first line when sugar levels are very high and cannot be managed with diet alone

  4. For others weight loss, diet and exercise maybe the first step

  5. Compliance is key in the management of diabetes, so keep up with your appointments , medications, blood tests, kidney tests, eye checks, as well as dietary goals and work with your Doctor and Nutritionist.

Science behind weight loss?

  • Adipose tissue or fatty tissue causes something called insulin resistance. This means that even though insulin is secreted it is not effective in lowering the blood sugars.

  • When a person is able to reduce the amount of fatty tissue through diet and exercise , the sensitivity of the insulin increases, which leads to better control of the blood sugar levels.

Remember, your health is your greatest wealth! Invest in yourself, by watching what you eat and exercising on a regular basis. Visit your Physician and monitor your health. Live Long and live strong! This is the best gift you can give to your loved ones.