Stir-fried mixed greens

Stir-fried mixed greens


  1. 1 large bunch of amaranth greens—cleaned and shredded

  2. 1 bunch of mustard greens—cleaned and shredded

  3. 1 large shallot, diced small

  4. 1 tablespoon organic balsamic vinegar

  5. ½ teaspoon crushed dried red peppers

  6. 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and diced

  7. 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  8. Salt as needed.


  • In a large wok, heat the olive oil over medium heat and add the garlic, shallots, and crushed red chillies.

  • Sauté until the shallot is browned, and at this point, add the greens.

  • Add the balsamic vinegar and stir-fry the greens on high heat for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover, and set aside.

  • When at room temperature, add salt as needed.

This dish is very fresh and full of flavor and can be eaten as a side with any dish or by itself. It is rich in fiber and phytonutrients and beneficial to health. This stir fry can be done with many combinations of green. For kale and collard greens, you will have to cook the greens longer.  As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and liver long and strong!