July Newsletter: Hatred and Judgement, the Great Dividers of Humanity

July Newsletter: Hatred and Judgement, the Great Dividers of Humanity

As we move to another season and observe the unfolding events on the world stage we can see a a world that is ravaged by hatred, prejudice, and stigmatization. These are the forces that have divided and destroyed the human race through millenia, yet they are still prevalent today. Hatred and judgement take on so many different facades—they are prevalent within religion, in the educational system, in politics, among different ethnic groups, in the media, and among corporations. We all have differences secondary to a myriad of factors. We were created differently to complement each other, yet the enemy has used this trait to divide us. Nobody wants to be judged, yet that is what happens all the time. Every single day, people judge one another by the color of their skin, the way they speak, the way they dress, and the way they believe. Everyone has an opinion, and they voice their opinion freely in spite of the detriment of others. Gone are the days of civility, and now come the days of judgment, hatred and prejudice! It is a dangerous time in our world.

When you start judging a person, you are coming closer to hating them because of your differences. Let us be more tolerant and accepting of one another. Imagine how you could change the world. If we do not want judgment and politics in our classrooms, why do you think it will help us on the world stage? I would encourage you to be a tolerant free thinker, and not a person who is motivated by the hatred you read on the internet and in text books, but by how your conscience corrects and leads you. Just imagine how good the world would be. Try to practice tolerance to others and sobriety in the way you react—this is something highly deficient in today's society. Challenge yourself not to judge; try this every single day and see how much you can bring peace to your life and to others.

This month in the kitchen, we will discuss the benefits of fasting in our monthly why section. In our recipe section, we will make Stir fried Mixed Greens . We will also discuss rambutan in our recipe section. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong.