August Newsletter —The Dangers of Prejudice

August Newsletter —The Dangers of Prejudice

Prejudice has been the topic of discussion for years, but despite all the efforts to curb it, it has expanded at an alarming rate. It is everywhere you look—in the workplace among different sexes, in our relationships, in politics, in business, in friendships, in schools and colleges, in the shops, in families among family members, and even in religious institutions. It is the bedrock for all forms of racism, hatred, destruction, and killing. Yet this evil is gaining ground. Even among ethnic groups and racial groups, it exists among the members, destroying the ability to grow and creating small factions of people based on faulty thinking patterns. It hinders the ability to think outside the box. It is a small voice that keeps saying that it is my way or no way! Prejudice suppresses every voice that does not conform to its ideology; it is a robotic voice that threatens war if there is no conformity. 

Human beings were created to think differently and to live and let live; we were never created to suppress our fellow citizens in any way. Societal rules are important, such that we do not protest violently and hurt one another. Peace is essential to growing in your role as a valuable member of society. We have seen the dangers of unchecked violence and turmoil; history has shown us that this is not fertile ground for a vibrant society. The Renaissance was world-changing because there was freedom of thought and expression. Having said that, I encourage every one of my readers to take time to keep a clear mind when you meet someone who is different, to give them a chance, and to allow your mind to shed judgment and embrace peace. 

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Turkey Bolognese with chickpea pasta and explore cherries in our Ingredient Spotlight. In our Monthly Why section, we will explore why anti-aging strategies are crucial for long-term health. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!